目前分類:生活綜合 (3)

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住了澳洲10幾年, 現才知原來木瓜霜這麼好用.  當時都沒這麼覺得是個寶, 直到去年與前幾個月才真正體會它之所以受歡迎的原因了.

通常我都是在家放一瓶75g的,然後隨身攜帶25g以防蚊蟲咬,或是過敏,嘴唇乾燥時可立刻補上.  3月搬家時, 我家老爹不小心被玻璃給刮到, 瞬時流好多血,又因是週日的晚上, 真的嚇壞小妮子我了, 趕快先用油加利精油先消毒,然後快速擦上木瓜霜,稍微包了一下,到醫院急診. 還好,這神奇的木瓜霜將割傷的地方在第一時間給保護著了. 所以並無大礙. 又有一次,我家太后煮飯時被油給噴到, 摸上後也好很多,也沒留下疤痕.  我自己呢, 就是在外被蚊蟲咬,立馬擦上很快紅腫就沒囉. 這些都是自身經驗分享給大家

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Are you wearing a mask everyday? Is it necessary to do that? Lots of people would have to do that as they need to pretend to agree with colleagues, bosses or even spouse to get promotion, popular amoung a group or just to make the other half and children happy.  But, the question is , are you happy yourself? Does compromise make everything easier? If so, why so many depression, divoces nowadays?! Aren't you tired to wearing a mask just to make other people happy or pretend everything is fine? What happen to communciation with others? What happen to face to face communication? Do all this technology or social medias help you to communicate?  Why don't you listen to your heart and make a suggestion or just simply talk to each other with the problems, difficulties you may have with others instead of pretending with a mask and hide a truely you behind it. Honesty is still a key to everything, mask is only good for a short term, for a long term benefit, you will still need to open your heart and be brave to talk.  We have been learning all our life on how to talk , aren't we?!

Mask will only make you happy when it is a facial mask enable you to have a pretty skin~!!

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It has been a such long long time since my last blog, and I can't even log into the old ones.....haha.  So, this is a brand new account. 

There were so many things happened in my life. I stop to connect with lots of people and was sad and frustrated on why people even your relatives can be so much ruthless and disrespectful.  Anyway, I am now better and stronger, and would like to share all life experiences with all of you and guess what?! I even had my own fan pages and handmade jewelrys , with thanks to some darling and supportive friend~!  I am back here and will write and share often.  Hope you will all emjoy it. As it says, life is too short, so, make everything possible!! If I can do it, so can you!!

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